As we walk the paths of our lives, the distance from our experiences grows farther. With that, our memories turn blurry and distorted sometimes. Even though pictures can help us revive them, we will never know what happened, as it is long lost in time.

I’ve decided to share my experiences and memories here. Some dating years back, so they are not that vivid and some parts of my memories are forever gone. Still, I wish to share the fragments of those beautiful and bittersweet moments.

I used to underestimate the power of a diary. Nowadays I try to write down what I saw, how I feel etc. It is astounding to see the growth you undergo during your life. Even after one month, you’re completely different, well, every day you change.

Anyway, welcome and enjoy the stories. I hope they can give you something, even as small as a bit of joy.

One of the forgotten days in Kaohsiung when the weather was too hot, but life felt like an adventure…

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